NaMO and his wife, Gozie at ADA - Africa DIaspora Awards After Party

Love In Relationships — part 2

Introducing Namo

All the time, the questions from our Love in Relationships (part 1) post are hardly thought through. They pop out of heads as easily as compliments given about your partner’s looks and as spontaneous as decisions to brush one’s teeth in the morning! Of course, the answer most times will make or destroy the relationship — and I should add that in my experience the answers are inevitable because these questions have become the proverbial “you’ll be damned if you do and you’ll be damned if you don’t” type requests.

Either way the answer has consequences… whatever you choose to do in responding or not responding has consequences too, but I’d like to explore a couple’s rationale from a different perspective and shed light on a background that will, if possible avoid the questions altogether.

Relationships are built on “Mutual” Affection as most will readily tell you. It sounds like the things we said as kids: “You like me and I like you” and that’s all she wrote! Unfortunately, as kids at heart we seem to expect the same treatment when things go sour, sometimes the expectation is such that in a long standing relationship the contract should simply read: “if I don’t like you like that anymore, should I tell you?!”

Funny how, as simple as it sounds, it’s the hardest thing anyone can actually do….to respond to a relationship contract. That is heartbreaking for the hearer….but sadly that is the origin of the questions I had started this article with! (A pretty good time to read them again if you haven’t!)

As we grow up and as our desire to have relationships increase, the flesh we put on our skeleton idea of sharing our life with someone else, describes to us that “the effort one puts in a relationship is supposed to make you and your partner happy!” In other words “I am showing attention to this guy or girl and I’m happy doing it…not because I’m getting the attention back but because I like giving it to this particular person….”.

This to me signifies a genuine affection for the other person but here lies the problem! In as much as we all seem to believe the slogan that “Change is constant” I know for a certain that its not to hold sway in relationships… a higher slogan does! It’s the one that goes a step further to say “As much as Change is constant… Principles are more constant!”

Read more in part 3…

An exuberant, multi-talented, boisterous, MC, Actor, and Comedian; NaMÓ is an African’s African and a true gentleman’s gentleman.

New Employment Rules!

An exuberant, multi-talented, boisterous, MC, Actor, and Comedian; NaMÓ is an African’s African and a true gentleman’s gentleman.

We will no longer accept a doctor’s sick note as proof of sickness. If you are able to get to the doctor, you are able to come into work.

Surgical Operations are now banned. As long as you are an employee here, you need all your organs. You should not consider having anything removed. We hired you intact. To have something removed constitutes a breach of employment.

Each employee will receive 104 holidays per year. They are to be called Saturday and Sunday.

There is no excuse for missing work.There is nothing you can do for deadfriends or relatives. Every effort should be made to have non-employeesto attend to the arrangements. In rare cases where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled for the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch-hour and subsequently leave one hour early, provided your share of the work is done.

NaMO with his wife, Gozie

Love In Relationships — part 3

NaMO with his wife, Gozie
Now listen to this….
If you love someone because the person loves you back then I can tell you to read no further; You should be getting ready for a “change is constant” experience because if the person changes i.e. he/she doesn’t love you back or doesn’t love you back enough or does not love you the way you want it… you will change too!… You will prove the slogan right and actions relating to the my initial summary of long term relationships will surely set in… Love becomes a mirage in the relationship and a lot of other words not in this article becomes discussion points!Let’s look at the initial premise of the relationship this way: If you love someone because of who the person is to you (this speaks of personality, spirit and/or lifestyle) and not for what he/she has or will become (that’s outward or tangible)… then your steps in the relationship have become a matter of principle!That is, you love the person independent of the person… That is, you love the person even if he/she doesn’t love you back or doesn’t love you back enough or doesn’t know how or doesn’t want to love you back the same way… Then it’s a relationship that can’t change until the principle changes!!

We can conclude that in practice the principle above is what objectifies love in relationships. This as described in the latter scenario is “Agape”, the “unconditional love”, the “love that God is”, the “love Jesus has for the Church”. That my dear reader is the love God wants us to have… That demonstration is the “Love in Relationships” that avoids the feelings or “Change” and in turn the questions that follow.

Having said that… it will be futile for me to go the length of discussing the theory of Love as it should be in a relationship without furnishing a description of the answer to: How does one begin to see the personality, spirit, lifestyle of one’s partner, that is, to recognize his/her partner’s personality? And when to then fall in love with it? It is found in the attention and decision the person makes…. A fast way is when the Spirit of God reveals someone to u… In all these things I must tell u one thing…. I’m getting a whole lot from you in our relationship and I’m more than satisfied… I always worry that maybe u dont know u should be getting from me too… now i dont mean money… Relationships are based on what u give and get….”For God so loved the World that he GAVE…”… And believe me that is what will sustain that 50yrs relationship… Knowing what u are getting and that know one else can give it to you (I’m talking human being only) and Seeing for urself that its true in the person so that what ur getting wont run out or finish or change.Thats why people stick for a very long time because they know what they are gaining and that the person is happy giving it and won’t stop giving it!

NaMO and his wife, Gozie at ADA - Africa DIaspora Awards After Party

Love In Relationships — part 1

NaMO and his wife, Gozie at ADA - Africa DIaspora Awards After Party

Love in relationships is a law that cannot be refuted. It is sung in ballads, dramatized in life and celebrated in every mind. It is daunting and inspiring. It drives the very core of our being to seek companionship. It is a fact so entrenched that we have rightly endorsed it as God ordained and have infused it with our own ideologies to the point that its actual meaning has become as esoteric as God has become to the most of us. Yet, as solid and as important as it may sound in sync with relationships, the subtle drama that seems to criticize and ridicule this law lies most times in the feelings radiated by couples in apparently long relationships; feelings that desire “Change”.

Unfortunately quite a number of couples believe that this desire for newness and change is real, cannot be dealt with and require super human strength! Besides someone famous must have said “Change is the only constant thing” and thanks to all of us, the slogan permeates our minds and holds sway in every area of life as it seems. These challenging and changing feelings can be summarized in any of these 3 suggestive questions from either couple:

    “Do you feel in anyway that you are in a cage in this relationship?”
    “Has this relationship become one you are no longer interested in?”
      “Can these factors break us up?


      a) Family Advice


    b) You’re longing for someone else?”

If this is you, stay tuned for more from our next post!